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Against all odds...helping dogs in Bosnia
I think they are finding homes everywhere...(?) It seems there are a number of volunteers all doing different things, but connected to the main group -AWABosnia. There is one lovely young Bosnian woman who rescues cats too. She has a house full apparently. According to the blog page where her story is mentioned, the house and all the cats are clean and looked after.

But what a task! They do it for love, so that makes any task easier, I guess. But they are really working against many odds, with few resources available.
There is apparently a history of animal abuse and 'not caring' in that location. Many local people dislike the dogs particularly. In my view, humans created the problem. What right have they to turn about and start to hate the poor creatures who wouldn't be in that sorry position if it weren't for them in the first place? Those people need to wake up!

I won't mention specific cases of animal abuse here. But there are some horrible stories. Concerning Vucko -who was rescued by people but his injuries caused by a gang of drunken teenagers, were so horrendous that he had to be put to sleep.) The blog-webpage is set up in his memory.
There are other cases of dreadful abuse. These volunteers give all they have to help.

The main issue now is the state of the dog shelter (I think that is in Sarajevo) The first snow has come, and the shelter is in a bad state. 150 to 200 dogs are "rescued" there. The volunteers know that they would be actually better off on the streets, but for the prevalence of animal abuse.
There are also apparently many many dogs who cannot be fitted into the shelter, whom the volunteers give food to outside.

This sounds like Dante's Hell for dogs.....

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RE: Against all odds...helping dogs in Bosnia - by Tobi - 10-25-2014, 02:07 AM

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