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Koala Mittens appeal
Poor little things. They must be traumatised as well as burned. They have lost their habitat. And some will have lost their mothers, or mothers lost their young.

They seem to have so many mittens already from all over the world, and now need pouches instead. It is so good to see many people from different countries have helped very quickly! I could maybe sew one or two but have no machine so they would have to be done by hand. Though not very good at sewing, I'm not too bad when I get going....

Messages In This Thread
Koala Mittens appeal - by Catherine - 01-13-2015, 04:37 PM
RE: Koala Mittens appeal - by Tobi - 01-14-2015, 02:50 AM
RE: Koala Mittens appeal - by Catherine - 01-14-2015, 01:15 PM
RE: Koala Mittens appeal - by platy - 01-14-2015, 08:59 PM
RE: Koala Mittens appeal - by Catherine - 01-15-2015, 02:05 PM

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