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UK's Badgers &TB -Both sides of the story
What is clear is that the badgers have been getting the TB from the cattle. The cattle are clearly spreading it to each other.

Restricting cattle movement and testing for TB brought things under control in the past. Why wouldn't they go back to what worked.
It is easier to scapegoat the badgers. It may be easier, but it won't solve the problem.
Is there not a TB vaccine. Certainly the cattle should be vaccinated. They could also vaccinate the badgers. It would probably be about the same cost as the culls. It would be more effective. Once enough cattle and badgers are vaccinated there would be little chance of transmission.

You are right about bad husbandry being a problem. They could get some infectious disease specialists to review how cattle are kept and make recommendations. I am sure better hygiene, better ventilation and better balanced nutrition would improve the TB situation.
Of course that would be sensible.
Badger culls are more dramatic than washing the floors properly.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: UK's Badgers &TB -Both sides of the story - by Catherine - 04-21-2015, 09:19 AM

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