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Truck full of chickens catches fire
What a terrible accident.
You are right, in the first (earlier) video I can't see much caring or concern for those chickens going on. Yes the firemen had to make sure the blaze was under control. That was very important, but surely someone else could have been trying to get those survivors out? Being cannoned with water from a fire hose can't have done them much good either.

It is also very sad to realise that even when they were 'safe' and all in new boxes, (in the later video) their ultimate destiny wasn't to be safe and sound at all....but to go to slaughter.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Truck full of chickens catches fire - by Tobi - 05-13-2015, 07:48 AM
RE: Truck full of chickens catches fire - by Tobi - 05-15-2015, 10:42 AM

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