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Rescued Moose calf blown authorities
An absolutely shocking, pitiful shame! Of COURSE a newborn can survive, with the right treatment, feeding and care. And as LPC says it is possible to provide colostrum.

These guys just couldn't be plain bothered.

How about this? (quoted from the site reporting the incident)

"We rehabilitate bears but we are not staffed to take care of animals that transmit disease."

Oh yeah? Well what about humans then? Okay we don't have Moose in Britain, but we have other wildlife, and I know for a fact that I am in greater danger of catching a transmittable disease during contact with humans than any wildlife around here.
Anyway that's not really the point. The point is that these 'officials' just couldn't be bothered to get that little calf the help it needed. Why is it that in such a sleepy area like Somerset (where I live) there is a wonderful wildlife rescue and sanctuary supported by donations, and they will take ANY creature in to help it without resorting to cruelty or silly excuses?

If the park authorities are "not staffed" sufficiently to take care of wildlife, then they need to start hiring, or liaising more successfully with other wildlife Rescues!

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RE: Rescued Moose calf blown authorities - by Tobi - 06-06-2015, 09:23 AM

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