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Cecil the Lion---dead at the hands of a hunter
I read about this case yesterday but was too busy to post a reply. The dentist's Facebook page has been suspended because it has been flooded with criticism of his action. People are also flooding his Yelp page - see - and putting in five star reviews (as they go to the top and get noticed), or one star reviews (saying "I would never go to a dentist who......") with lots of comments about his killing of the lion. Yelp are removing these reviews, but each one has to be read by a member of staff first - and people are posting them faster than they can remove them!

This dentist has a previous conviction for illegal hunting (fined for killing a bear outside of an authorised area), so he is a persistent killer of wildlife. Yet he has not been charged - even though the local people have been arrested already.

This case reminds me of Kendall Jones, the lion killer of last year - mentioned in the Guardian article you mentioned above.

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RE: Cecil the Lion---dead at the hands of a hunter - by LPC - 07-30-2015, 07:39 PM

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