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Cecil the Lion---dead at the hands of a hunter
This lady seems to be an even more hardened hunter than the dentist. Giraffes are such graceful creatures.

I will quote this piece from the article you cited above, Catherine:
" 'When you hunt an animal, everybody just thinks we’re cold-hearted killers, and it’s not that,' she told host Carson Daly. 'There is a connection with the animal. Just because we hunt them doesn’t mean we don’t have a respect for them'."

Only a human could think up such illogical reasoning. How can one truly respect an animal and then kill it as a trophy (not even for food)? The best way to respect an animal is to respect its right to live.

I also think that these trophy hunters have an inflated ego. They post these pictures publicly for all to see, with a dead animal draped around them. They seem to be yearning for public attention. If not, why post the pictures publicly at all? They could, if they so chose, email them to friends only - but they don't.

America has countless kind, compassionate, animal-loving people - as witnessed by the public protest against these trophy hunters. Yet I still ask myself, why are almost all these trophy hunters from the USA? Do they have more time and money to go to other countries on expensive hunting safaris? Yes, of course there are trophy hunters from other countries as well. But the vast majority of recent cases come from the USA. I wonder why?

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RE: Cecil the Lion---dead at the hands of a hunter - by LPC - 08-04-2015, 09:01 PM

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