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50,000 chickens about to be slaughtered
I have known about this appalling so-called "religious festival" for several years. It is not given much much attention by the press for fear of being criticised as "anti-semitic". But it is perfectly permissible - indeed it is our duty - to speak out against this blood bath on animal welfare grounds. Some followers of other religions are equally guilty of cruel slaughter of fully conscious animals.

It is also worth noting, as the article itself reports, that most non-Hasidic Jews are opposed to the cruelty involved. Giving money is an acceptable alternative to this crude chicken swinging and throat slitting in the street. Further, there are some Hasidic Jews who are opposed to the practice. See for example

This festival puts religion in a very poor light. The text quoted in your article, Catherine, shows this clearly:
"This is my exchange, this is my substitute, this is my expiation. This chicken shall go to death and I shall proceed to a good, long life and peace."

How primitive to believe that torturing and killing an innocent animal will cause one to live a good, long life! More likely, the opposite will result. No good comes out of suffering, only bad vibes for the persons deliberately inflicting the suffering.

Here's another revealing quote from your article, Catherine. One of the defenders of this cruel ritual is reported as saying:

"The main part of the service is handing the chicken to the slaughterer and watching the chicken being slaughtered," he told the outlet. "Because that is where you have an emotional moment, where you say, 'Oops, you know what? That could have been me.'"

If it had been he who had been swung around and had his throat cut whilst fully conscious, he might not feel the same attachment to the ritual. Some lessons of karma, perhaps?

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RE: 50,000 chickens about to be slaughtered - by LPC - 09-19-2015, 09:36 PM

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