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Ten life lessons we can learn from animals
What a lovely and well-written article. Thanks for finding it Catherine.

They do indeed teach us many things; some of those things are truly remarkable and life-changing.
I think, if we can just go quiet for a moment, inside ourselves, we can 'hear' what they are saying.

Just because humans can do differential calculus, fly to the Moon, write books, and animals can't (and probably don't want to!) -doesn't make them less intelligent than ourselves. They can do things with ease that matter a lot, and we can find difficult.

And another thing is....they don't judge us the same way humans often do.

I regularly spend time with someone who likes to 'test my intelligence' by finding out how much I know about so-and-so....or if I'm fast enough to grasp their wit. And at the same time they do like to show me how much they know....
I laugh a little bit as I actually do know their heart happens to be in the right place, and it is all basically in good part, and they do quite like me....but can't figure me out. I'm dumb, and yet I'm bright.....
But....for Dog's sake! No animal would be the slightest bit interested in those mind games. And I feel more at home with those who aren't. Misty would have just yawned and begged for food..... (Hey! I might try that one! lol)
Yet it was she who showed me many remarkable secrets of the Universe.

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RE: Ten life lessons we can learn from animals - by Tobi - 12-10-2014, 10:13 AM

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