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Porton Down does outrageous experiments
Sadly that workers behavior is probably quite common. People become desensitized to pain and suffering and they no longer see it.
Slaughter house workers get that way. People who work in factory farms get that way. It is human nature to adapt and accept things as normal.
People who work in difficult situations have to watch for the adaption factor. Two people I know who worked with disturbed kids had to switch to other areas. They were both starting to see all children as disturbed. Their friends and family warned them of the changes they were seeing.

As a society we adapt and take on new normal all the time. Right now certain cruel situations are seen as normal. If we become sensitive tot he issue we will reject that normal. If we reject the places like Porton Down and what they stand for then we will no longer accept their behavior as normal. The important thing now is to make people aware of Porton Down and all the cruel experiments that happen there.
Once the public knows and objects there is a chance of changing things. Public opinion is a powerful weapon.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Porton Down does outrageous experiments - by Catherine - 03-15-2015, 04:44 PM

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