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Maple Lodge Farms-cruelty to chickens again
I am glad you didn't watch it all. It was bad.

You are right that Maple Lodge has done this before. They don't want to change.
We need the laws to change and we need the consumer to change.
If we don't buy their products then Maple Lodge will have to do something different.

The shocking videos are hard to watch and I can't imagine what it is like to be the one who films them. However they have the power to shock people out of their complacency about the food industry.
First, it is not an industry, it is live animals! We need to start seeing that what we eat was once alive and that it suffered terribly. The government will be slow to react, but people can boycott Maple Lodge Farms right away.

The images of frozen birds might be enough to bring about a review of our transportation methods. You can't transport anything in an open truck in a Canadian winter. My vegetables get transported better. Frozen vegetables don't sell. We don't get to see the frozen chickens so we do not know they exist. Now we know.

The video made it into a major news show last sat. W5 reaches a lot of people.
I don't know if I can find the actual broadcast and post it, but Canadians saw it and can get it from the CTV site. We are the ones who need to do the boycotting so we are the ones who need to see it.
I might have actually posted it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Maple Lodge Farms-cruelty to chickens again - by Catherine - 04-01-2015, 02:09 PM

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