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50,000 chickens about to be slaughtered
Quote:There is only one thing which washes us of our sins, and that is a heart-felt living commitment to true spiritual principles. Cruelty and needless slaughter not being one of those principles.
You say it so well.

It is like Gadhimai and a dozen other festivals around the world. I don't care why the tradition started and I don't care how old it is. When something is so obviously wrong, it should be stopped.

I think there are petitions and protesters. There is a strong movement against the slaughter within the Jewish community. It is actually only a small, very conservative sect that still kills chickens like that.

I think all religions need to grow up and look at what they do. Rituals and traditions are fine, but if the tradition is something that would not be allowed except for religious reasons, then it needs to be questioned. If the tradition involves cruelty to animals or even people then it should be abandoned.

Quote:What shocks me equally about this is WHY in New York City, don't animal control (or animal welfare groups) get a Magistrate's order to seize those poor birds off the street? How can such an event be condoned in a so-called 'civilised society'?
I was really shocked when I came across the article. This takes place in New York City in the 21st century. It is unbelievable. Why doesn't animal control seize the chickens. They sit without food or water in the hot sun. When they start killing them, why doesn't Animal Control step in and rescue the chickens.

Animal rights groups are there protesting. You can count on animal rights groups.
It seems you can't count on the city itself to stop this. I bet they don't make them get permits for the large gathering of people. It is shocking that a modern city would allow this.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: 50,000 chickens about to be slaughtered - by Catherine - 09-20-2015, 04:05 PM

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