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Beaver vs. Mountie, a standoff of Canadian Icons
They are an amazing animal.  They build a dam, create a pond and then live in the pond. Their lodges are strong and secure and they can survive a cold Canadian winter.  They store the branches of trees they cut down under the water so they can reach them for food in the winter. There is a lot of planning and organizing going on in a Beaver family.

Beavers are good parents. I once sat in the brush on the banks of a Beaver pond until dusk. I sat very still. The senior male came out and inspected things and I sat VERY STILL. He looked at me, but I was dressed in natural colours and I didn't move, I barely even breathed.   I guess I passed inspection because he went back into the lodge and came back with the rest of the family. I got to see three very young Beaver kits. They are so cute and they swam all over with their little beaver tails moving quickly in the water. They were so funny.
I stayed there until something disturbed them and they all disappeared.  That was almost 40 years ago, but I can still see them in my mind. I got bitten by mosquitoes and my feet were wet, but it was worth it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Beaver vs. Mountie, a standoff of Canadian Icons - by Catherine - 03-31-2016, 02:01 PM

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