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On trial for giving water to pigs bound for slaughter
I presume the cruel 'rule' about not giving them food at all, or water unless they are more than 36 hours in transit, may be because they don't want them urinating and defecating (thus contaminating the meat -or rather, involving more money and man hours to get them washed down!) Not that a cold shower before being killed, and while you KNOW you are going to be killed and are terrified, would be a pleasant thing to endure anyway.

Please anyone reading this....give up bacon, pork chops, pork sausages, etc. You honestly can live very healthily without it. I know. I haven't eaten it for 37 years. Please let your Heart open to those creatures, who feel deeply, suffer, understand many things, and are said to be even more intelligent than dogs.

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RE: On trial for giving water to pigs bound for slaughter - by Tobi - 08-27-2016, 03:12 AM

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