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Pet owners injuring pets to get pain killers
You are right to focus on the fact that the addict's dog is still in pain because the addict has taken their meds. This is just one more horrible result of this problem. Maybe they will have to come up with an injectable slow release form. Once the dog is injected the medication will release slowly into their system. No addict can get at that medication.

Quote:I once did a television interview about my view on the drugs (narcotics) problem. and how to cut down street crime and other drug related crimes -of which there are many. My idea was that if someone signed up for a detox/rehab program, during their waiting-time, the doctor would prescribe the narcotics they needed in the exact doses required for each person. Those drugs are not so expensive actually.

This is good thinking. It would help people move into rehab. Often they just can't wait that long and end up in trouble.

Quote:Methodone is not as good as it's cracked up to be, and leaves the addict still craving -thus crimes are committed. An addict on methodone is like a cigarette addict who is only allowed 5 cigarettes a day (if you see my point.)

Good analogy! People who quit smoking usually do better by quitting and not cutting back. Getting someone ready for rehab and helping them through it would be more effective in the long run.

Some of the newer drugs like oxycodone and fentanyl are much more addictive. Doctors are prescribing them for all kinds of things and people are ending up as addicts.
I am not sure the veterinary drug is even close to what the addict wants, but it is sometimes the easiest to get.

Vets are going to have to be skilled in detecting drug abuse in the owners of their patients. I think it helps that vets are talking online about it.
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RE: Pet owners injuring pets to get pain killers - by Catherine - 01-19-2017, 03:30 PM

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