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Couple cancels honeymoon to search for lost parrot
Zazu the African Grey Parrot is going to be hard to find. Her colour blends in and if she is hiding with a group of pigeons she is the same colour. They are going to have to listen for the odd noises she makes. 

You are right about the honeymoon. They can do that anytime. Finding their bird will mean more to them than a vacation where they will spend their time worrying. I do hope they find her. The weather is still warm enough so they do have time. 

I was looking at the article again and I see that they actually live very near to where I grew up. The town is along the same river.
There would be food this time of year, but they need to find the Zazu before it turns cold.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Couple cancels honeymoon to search for lost parrot - by Catherine - 09-19-2017, 02:07 PM

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