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Our houses are going to the bugs
I am going to call the spindly spiders from now on. The name has stuck. I went into the bathroom and one of them had put a web across the top of my laundry hamper. My first thought was Spindly Spider. They are aggressive eaters aren't they.
I had the one that lives above my shower produce an egg sack. I was there the night she built a nursery web and opened the sack and took the babies out one at a time. There were 53 of them. They were really tiny and they were so cute. She stayed for 3 days and then she left them. They were all over the place building webs in the oddest places. Then they seemed to drift away all over my place.

Some of my bigger spiders are smart enough to hide in places spindly spiders can't go.

I have the usual little bugs and moths. Every spring I have ants for awhile. I still can't find the spot where they get in.

I have crickets to feed to the lizards. There is always a clever one that gets away. It hides under the frig or stove where its little chirps are amplified. I am rather used to the sound by now. I only occasionally tell them to shut up.

Newts  would be nice, but I have more chance of a visit from a toad. There are toads, but I haven't seen one in my immediate area. I like the fact that there are interesting things living with me. It makes my place more of a home.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


Messages In This Thread
Our houses are going to the bugs - by Catherine - 11-13-2017, 04:09 PM
RE: Our houses are going to the bugs - by Tobi - 11-16-2017, 02:07 AM
RE: Our houses are going to the bugs - by Tobi - 11-17-2017, 11:01 AM
RE: Our houses are going to the bugs - by Catherine - 11-17-2017, 02:39 PM

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