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Raw meat diet can be dangerous for your pets.
Yes there are bound to be health issues, especially for humans when dealing with raw meat. Some people don't know the basic hygiene rules. And even when they do, there are still risks from being distracted while preparing food...using a cloth to wipe hands....washing the meat.....not scrubbing a chopping board properly....etc.

Dogs are basically omnivores. That means they can eat, and really should eat, other things besides meat. Vegetables for instance, and some fruits in moderation.
Cats do not need all those extra things. They are "obligate carnivores", so adding carrots/greens etc to a cat's food is a waste of time and may upset digestion and take up space where the meat should be!t If a cat feels it needs extra fibre, it will chew on some grass, which won't harm it. The things put into kibble for both cats and dogs, but especially cats -are a lot of bulk which can't be properly assimilated.

I honestly don't see the harm in cooking meat for cats and dogs (and fish), and wonder if an exclusively raw diet is the best or not.  I gave both Misty and my other dog Toby cooked meat and they both lived to 14 and 15 super-healthy until the last couple of weeks.

(By the way, offal -which humans shun nowadays, but which they used to eat happily -is perfectly alright for cats and dogs. That includes, liver, heart, kidneys, and especially things like tripe etc.)

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RE: Raw meat diet can be dangerous for your pets. - by Tobi - 01-15-2018, 04:07 AM

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