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Major Biden, the White House's first rescue dog gets his own Indoguration
On a more light-hearted note about dogs in presidential homes, here is one incident where Nemo was overcome by excitement at all the visitors coming and going (Labradors are very friendly and greet everyone) and there was an "accident". All the ministers attending the meeting found it amusing! It's a sign of real love that Mr. le President actually defended Nemo, saying that he had never done that before. Macron understood that a rescue dog needs time, especially in unusual situations. Nemo is allowed to go wherever he wants in the Elysée Palace.

I will let you into a small French secret: Nemo is alleged to have received more presents from the public than Mr. le President himself! Members and guests, please use Google Translate if the French in the following article is too much for you. It is well worth reading:

"Et Nemo s'avère très populaire auprès des Français à tel point qu'ils lui offrent plein de cadeaux. Le collier rouge qu'il porte autour du cou et sur lequel est inscrit “Je m'appelle Nemo, je vis à l'Elysée” a été offert par un particulier tout comme le joujou en forme de faisan avec lequel il s'amuse en permanence. Il reçoit aussi d'autres présents et même de la nourriture. Comme le confie au Parisien un visiteur du palais “C'est une vraie vedette, il reçoit plus de cadeaux que le président lui-même !”

That is one of many reasons why I am proud to be a recent French citizen:

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RE: Major Biden, the White House's first rescue dog gets his own Indoguration - by LPC - 01-12-2021, 08:47 PM

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