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Petition/online protest to stop the Gadhimai Slaughter Festival in November!
The whole thing is appalling. Why would you want to please a "god" that would be pleased with animal sacrifice. I know people don't think or use reason, but why can't they feel how terrible it is.

Seriously, if the guy had sacrificed 104 animals instead of 105, would he have had a daughter. How many animal deaths does it take to get twins. Can people really believe this stuff!

True spirituality is of the spirit and has nothing in common with animal cruelty. This festival is so off the mark.

Right now it brings in money so they want it to go on. How can it be made to be unprofitable?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Petition/online protest to stop the Gadhimai Slaughter Festival in November! - by Catherine - 10-08-2014, 01:31 PM

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