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Giant African Snails
Mr. Many Legs, I remember him. I still miss him, it would have been so interesting to watch him grow up. Should I get another one?

Of course you realize that once I ask the question I have already made up my mind. I just got the Pac Man Frog first because he was there. Take a look at his picture in the other reptile thread. I almost got a Tarantula on Sat, but someone else wanted him. I will get the next one.Smiley4

How are the snails.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Mr Many Legs, what an appropriate name!

The snails went into hibernation mode and they are still in hibernation. I've been told to give them about 7-10 days and hopefully they will start moving about and eating their food.

Here is a pic I took of them, it's not very good but it's the best I could do at the moment.
[Image: DSC02374_zps8266e8de.jpg]

And, we have also got a pair of Adult GALS which arrived today, well they came yesterday but because the postman didn't bother to ring the doorbell when I was in, they had to stay overnight at the delivery office. Fetched them this morning. Their habitat also arrived. They are settled in their new home and busy enjoying munching on their lettuce and cucumber.

Here they are
[Image: DSC02376_zpse7057890.jpg]
I did not know they hibernated. Is it because of the shipping? They look quite small, so how long before they get adult size.

The adults look good. Their shells are beautiful and the colours are intense. Are they full grown?
I love the way they get right in the dish to eat. They are really into their food.Smiley4
What does you son think of them, now that they are here.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

(01-19-2014, 04:32 PM)Catherine Wrote: I did not know they hibernated. Is it because of the shipping? They look quite small, so how long before they get adult size.

The adults look good. Their shells are beautiful and the colours are intense. Are they full grown?
I love the way they get right in the dish to eat. They are really into their food.Smiley4
What does you son think of them, now that they are here.

The hibernate if the temperature goes low. With the adults it wasn't a cold night at the delivery place so they didn't go into hibernation. With the babies last week, we did have some really cold freezing weather.

The adults will continue to keep growing. They do seem to like the food especially the cucumber. It was quite funny to watch because they eat the middle out of the slices and the one had a cucumber necklace on while he ate the other slice.

My son loves them and he has named the adults, Tommy Zoom and Smog (childrens' TV programme characters).
Quote: The hibernate if the temperature goes low. With the adults it wasn't a cold night at the delivery place so they didn't go into hibernation. With the babies last week, we did have some really cold freezing weather.

The adults will continue to keep growing. They do seem to like the food especially the cucumber. It was quite funny to watch because they eat the middle out of the slices and the one had a cucumber necklace on while he ate the other slice.

My son loves them and he has named the adults, Tommy Zoom and Smog (childrens' TV programme characters).

It is a good thing they hibernate. It allowed them to survive cooler temperatures. I hope they come out of it safely.
It seems they know what they like with food. The centre of the cucumber is softer and easier to eat. I could picture a snail at the end of the day wearing the rings of a number of foods. It must be funny to see them like that.
Are GALS are one of the creatures that grows its whole life? They could get quite big if the eat enough cucumbers. So much for veggies being slimming.Smiley4

Tommy Zoom is an interesting choice for a snail name. Smog is different. I an not familiar with the show. I think it doesn't play in Canada. I hope your son likes the snails. They are not the fastest pet, but they are interesting.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I came to the conclusion that after 10 days of the baby snails being here that they are dead. The temperature is right, the conditions are perfect and yet they have not moved at all. I got in touch with the people who sold them and the lovely lady is going to be sending replacements today but she's sending the ones they have which are 4.5 cm big which suits me. Might have to get another bigger tank for them but the small one will have to do for the moment. I'm hoping that they will come tomorrow.

Yes GALS do grow their whole lives.
Too bad about the baby snails, they must have gotten too cold. Could you leave them a little longer just to be sure or is it really certain that they are dead.

The new ones are a good size. Since they grow their whole lives you will need a bigger tank anyhow. How fast do they grow, any idea? I hope the new ones travel safely. How many are you getting.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

(01-25-2014, 02:47 PM)Catherine Wrote: Too bad about the baby snails, they must have gotten too cold. Could you leave them a little longer just to be sure or is it really certain that they are dead.

The new ones are a good size. Since they grow their whole lives you will need a bigger tank anyhow. How fast do they grow, any idea? I hope the new ones travel safely. How many are you getting.

I'm pretty sure that they are dead and I think that the lady I spoke to about it believes they are too. It's a shame but at least we will be getting replacements and my son will be happy again.

We will be having 2 new snails, probably will be coming on Monday since they haven't arrived today. Not sure how fast they grow but will have to get another tank. Maybe a bigger one so that all four of them can live in it, if not then another one the same size as the one we already have.
One bigger tank might be easier to care for than two small ones. It certainly would allow for some interesting decorating. It might also be fun to watch four snails together.
I hope the new ones travel safely. This winter has been rough on everyone.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

(01-26-2014, 05:18 PM)Catherine Wrote: One bigger tank might be easier to care for than two small ones. It certainly would allow for some interesting decorating. It might also be fun to watch four snails together.
I hope the new ones travel safely. This winter has been rough on everyone.

The replacement snails arrived safely today. We was out when they came but I had left a note on the door for any parcels to be delivered to one of my neighbours, and she brought the parcel round this afternoon.

They are smaller than the others and they look more white (flesh part) than the others so I'm thinking that maybe these are albinos. At the moment they are in the small tank until I get another big tank for them to live in. I did contemplate putting all four together but if these are albinos then I'd like to keep them separate.

The older snails have buried themselves in the soil so not sure whether they are laying eggs or just sleeping there. It's the first time they have done this since we've had them. Will check the spot later once they have moved from there.

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