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Plastic Bag Sculpture--the impact of plastic pollution
I am lucky. My grocery store sells various biodegradable bags for kitchen and animal waste.

If you keep pushing maybe your city will start a recycling program. We put out our actual garbage one week and recycling materials the alternate week. Kitchen and pet waste are picked up every week.  I put out one garbage bag a month. Everything else recycles or is composted.

Toronto had to do something. Can you imagine the mountain of garbage we were putting out.  Most people take recycling seriously.
We used to have backyard composters, but it contributed to the racoon and rat problem. Before that I had an indoor worm composter. I put peelings and general food waste into a bin of worms and they ate it all up. I liked my worms. They had food preferences. They would eat the fruit before the potato peels. Even earth worms like dessert first.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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