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Comedian Blasts factory farming
It might seem disrespectful or somehow off to make the suffering of animals in factory farms part of a comedy routine. However when you look at how the audience listened, the idea is brilliant.
People laugh and then they don't laugh.  Aziz Ansari describes how chickens are treated in egg production and even if you laughed, the image is going to stay with you.

The idea of a bag full of male chicks suffocating is hard to shake. Whatever it takes to get the message across is a good thing. He makes the connection between the conditions the chickens live with and the fact that we feed the "product" of that to our children.   That is something we need to think about.

This video takes a different approach, but it is well done.

If only enough people can see it maybe there will be a will to change things.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

That is skilful communication. I agree, his method of delivery may help the visions to 'stick' in peoples' minds, so even if they laugh, they will also hear his message, and it will sink in. Let's hope so anyway. It is time that sort of farming was completely outlawed!!
Sometimes you have to give people information in a way that seems odd. People laughed, but I bet the image is stuck in their minds.  Now when they look at an egg they know what happens to male chicks in a hatchery. They might not want to remember, but it was part of a night of laughter and we tend to remember things like that.

The second video is part of a set put out by Mercy For Animals. I think they have learned that short videos with a little piece of information can reach people better than a long documentary. You and I will sit through the long documentary. Most people barely watch TV commercials. All they really need to do is get one strong image into someone's mind and they will never be the same.

I forgot I posted this. I thought it was your post and I was curious to see what you had found.
Having rewatched the video I think I will check out a recipe in my new vegan cookbook. It looks interesting and I think I will like it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Anything which draws people's attention to the issues of cruelty in farming, and changes their views, has got to be good.
There are some pretty smart people out there producing videos, commercials and billboards. I think people are being influenced even if they don't pay attention to them. It is going to take time, but the world will change. We can and will end factory farming. It will take the efforts of many people, but many people are starting to make the effort.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I already have the images burned into my mind. I have seen so many sad videos of chickens, pigs, cown, sheep, and how they are treated and killed. Humankind has to be ashamed of itself!!
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
Some day we will look back and ask ourselves how we could have acted that way.

This is not the only thing we have done that is wrong. Some things we have changed. Some things we are trying to change. Even though some days it is discouraging, I think change is happening. There are a lot of people out there who are living cruelty free.

I want to see a world that embraces kindness and becomes cruelty free. It can be done.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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