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How are you and how was your day and whatever...
(03-07-2016, 09:37 AM)Ruth Wrote: I am going to take a break from this  forum for awhile.  See you when I get back.  All the best to all of you!

You will be missed too, in your absence, Ruth! You are a great member here. Have a nice break.
Ruth you will be missed. See you when come back. Until then, take care of yourself.

I will check out the link to Janet King. It sounds like a good series.
I like Brooklyn 99, it is a bit of a funny police show. I don't know where it is available. I watch it through Netflix.

A brisk walk in the cold can be good. I agree with you that walking is an all weather activity. If I get a walk outside during the day I feel so much better.  Walking is still the best and healthiest exercise ever.

I wish I had an out door territory to check out. If I want a nature walk I have to go somewhere.  It is worth it though.

The new baby snake has eaten well so I will let her rest a few days then I want to get pictures. She is even prettier now that I have her home.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I am back now. I missed this place and all of you! I am anxious for Spring to come so I can start walking Suzy at the park regularly. We went for a long walk at the park a few days ago when it was really nice outside. It's cold again so we will wait.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
We have had amazing weather. It is +14 C and warmer. After -14C, anything warmer than zero is welcome. I wore shoes, not boots, shoes! No gloves or hat either!

I hope your weather warms up so you can take Suzy for a real walk.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I did take her for a real walk the other day. And I hope to do it again soon. She loves walking.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
I was doing field work today, it was mostly uneventful and I was so tired I just wanted to sit by the river all day. I did see a fish though which I learned was a redfin perch, so that was cool.
About a month or two ago I actually saw a koala there, which was a huge surprise because we don't naturally have koalas in that area. Apparently they may have been translocated from French Island, so it'll be interesting to see how they go there.

I've had too much coffee today so even though it's nearly 1am I am wide awake
Coffee will do that won't it.  I can't imagine seeing a wild Koala. Could they survive in your area?

Sitting by the river all day sounds pleasant, so does taking Suzy for a walk.

I looked after my animals and gave a shot to the neighbours cat. Then I attended the ballet. It was delightful. I came home and did some garden work with a neighbour. We borrowed a special pruning saw so we cut dead branches in both our yards. The branches will end up at the reptile centre for use in terrariums. Then other neighbours called and said dinner is served, did I want to join them. We ate and then watched back to back screenings of Brooklyn 99 while we had lots of dessert.

Then I came home and fed all my snakes, gave the guinea pigs their dinner and prepared bearded dragon food for the next two days.
I am not usually quite that busy.

I had dinner and a play on Friday and work at the reptile center on Saturday.

I think I need a day off to get over my day off.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I wondered the same thing Catherine, as I didn't think the area contained the eucalypts that koalas like. But it must be suitable otherwise why would they be put there. They do make the funniest/weirdest noises. A very loud growling, grunting, bark.

Who knew bed shopping could be so mind boggling! So many different mattresses these days. I think I may need to go and lie on a few.
There's easter sales on at the moment, so I'm on the hunt for a larger bed. Currently I am squashed into a corner while my cat takes up the rest of my bed. Dare I try and move her and she bites me.
I never thought about what sounds a Koala makes. It must be so funny to hear them. Can they adapt to different kinds of eucalyptus leaves?

Bed shopping is crazy now days. The mattresses come in different sizes and different thicknesses. Who needs a bed that high. I can understand that with a cat around you need more room. How can a tiny cat take up so much space when you share a bed with them.
I looked in the door of a mattress store today because I need a new pillow. They had so many kinds I decided now is not the time. I might do better at a place that sells bedding.

I never thought about Easter sales. I should look around.

Ruth, I am glad you got a walk with Suzy. It has been so warm here and I don't mind the drizzle. It feels so good after months of cold.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Yes, we got to walk. I am having pain in my foot and can't figure out where it is coming from. I cancelled my doctor apptmt. but I guess I better make another one. I think I need a MRI but my insurance doesn't allow for them accept after you have been in physical therapy.

I got a nice bed several years ago. It has bookshelves and drawers in the frame. The mattress is a pillow top. It's pretty comfortable but I still have trouble falling to sleep on it. Don't know why.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            

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