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Cowspiracy...the movie
I went to a free screening of Cowspiracy, sponsored by the Vegetarians of High park. 
(High Park is a big park just west of me)
They are part of the Toronto Vegetarian Association. I did not know about these groups.  I got a list of stores and outlets for supplies and all kinds of other information.

Cowspiracy examines factory farming from an ecological point of view. What is the impact of out farming methods on the environment.
Why is no one looking at the extreme damage our farming methods cause.
The movie is worth seeing.

The focus is on the environment, but at a certain point in the filming he sees an animal killed for food and he  becomes aware of the loss of life involved in eating meat.

The final point of the movie is that we cannot continue to eat meat the way we do because the planet can't sustain it. It eats up too many resources, does too much ecological damage and is wrong to use animals in this way. 

It is a thought provoking movie and if you can watch it, you will be glad you did.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I have been aware of what factory farming is doing to the environment for quite some time. Hopefully, others will start discovering this, too. There is nothing good that comes from it!
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
Factory farming is bad on all levels. The animals suffer. The environment suffers. The people who eat the huge quantities of factory raised meat also suffer bad health effects.

Why are we still doing this?

The movie is very timely and I hope it influences people for the good.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I saw this film not so long ago. It is not easy to watch, but it is important we should know what cows have to go through, so we can make kinder choices.

(The link is missing, Catherine)
Do you mean the link that I posted is missing?

It is there when I click on it. Maybe it is not available outside of some areas.

I like the scene where you realize he has a chicken in the car with him. She is a beautiful chicken and deserves a chance at life.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

It's wonderful that there are groups like this that bring awareness to us all.
He is a good film maker. I hope he continues to make the same kind of films. He can reach a lot of people that way.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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