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Pinky the Flamingo murdered
Pinky is famous for entertaining people at Busch Gardens in Florida. A visitor to the park reached over the fence,  grabbed the bird and injured him and threw him to the ground. This is clearly a disturbed person who should not be out in public. He has been charged, I just hope they can put him away for a long time.

It is sad. Smiley19  This beautiful trusting bird was happy and had lived 17 years and he brought joy to many. He would have never expected a human to hurt him. It is a total betrayal of an animal's trust. It is also the act of a very disturbed man.

The man is 45 years old. This can't be the first time he has done something wrong. Someone has protected him from his own behavior and is partly responsible for Pinky's death.
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How terribly sad. Pinky trusted, and his trust was betrayed.

I am kind of sorry for that man too. It must be horrid to be trapped in the way he thinks. Poor Pinky. I hope the man will receive the help he needs.
He does need help. I don't know if there is a chance of him getting it. Probably not.

I feel sad for Pinky. He was living a full and happy life and it was stolen from him

He should have died quietly of old age surrounded by those who cared for him
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As the lady said on the video (not exact quote), "If you're going to be so violent to a flamingo, who's next or what's next?".

This man is sick and needs serious help. Apparently, he laughed whilst killing the flamingo. He should not be let loose until he is no longer a danger to animals.
I think he is a danger to people and animals. It could just as easily have been someone's baby that he grabbed.

I just can't believe that this is a first incident. At his age there have to have been other indications that he was dangerous. Someone has been covering for him and hiding his behavior.
That person is responsible for a lot.

We do need to be protected from him.  Whatever the charges I hope they consider the safety of everyone else.
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In the area where my stepson lives there was a peacock that everyone loved used to visit people sit on their fence talk to the owners he was a local identity he trusted all the people,someone took exception to him and shot him even the council didn't have a problem with him people in the area were extremely upset he's been there for a long time,and Eric the emu that was a local identity on the island where my friend lives in Australia he was famous people used to takes pics he was seen everywhere on the island he loved people he was killed as well,R.I.P. Pinky say hello to Eric the emu and Mr peacock I don't know what's wrong with people when they kill innocent creatures.
Why do people do that. These creatures are happy living with people and they bring people happiness.

They are stealing from all of us at the same time as they are committing an act of cruelty.

I think these people need to  be watched closely.
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You are right, Catherine. This man does have a criminal history. He even attacked a person over 65 years old in the past. See
It's horrible to see that there are people who are like this, at large in the community.

Poor Eric, and the peacock, catslave. Now why would anyone wish to hurt some creature who brings happiness to others? They need medical help I think as they are far off the rails. Unfortunately many who are disturbed and even dangerous, are loose among others.

Those who hurt animals often also hurt people or children. I just wonder why they cannot feel what they are doing.

I really ask that they will be healed. And until they are, are given custodial care or detention of some kind for the protection of others.
So he did have a history!
I thought so.  So why is he out on bail?  In what way is he not a danger to re-offend.   Sure he can't hurt Pinky any more. Pinky is dead.
However what about the rest of the planet. 

I notice that he is a veteran. Keeping in mind that both my parents were veterans, sometimes they train people and use them and then turn them loose and they can't cope and bad things happen.

There needs to be a solution to helping people like this before they hurt anyone, people or animal.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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