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Robin the hamster
I have talked about Robin before. He is a wandering hamster. In his younger days he liked to play hamster hide and seek at 2am. Now he is more settled.
[Image: IMG_0021.JPG]
He likes his bin, it has food and water and everything he could need.

Of course he gets restless
[Image: IMG_0032.JPG]
And off he goes.
[Image: IMG_0022.JPG]
He has taken over my whole micro wave cart.
[Image: IMG_0041.JPG]
My tea pots
[Image: IMG_0039.JPG]
[Image: IMG_0042.JPG]
And then a trip back home to get some more food.
[Image: IMG_0023.JPG]
Of course sometimes Robin takes side trips.
[Image: IMG_0049.JPG]
Guess where he is.
[Image: IMG_0050.JPG]
The guinea pig enclosure.
[Image: IMG_9942.JPG]
Apparently guinea pigs are a bit nervous of hamsters
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Notice that Murray left a full food dish because the hamster challenged him.
[Image: IMG_9943.JPG]
Robin is a real character. He has food stashed in different places and he come and goes as he pleases. I just keep the food dishes filled. I have no idea what goes on around here.Smiley4
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Heart It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.Heart
I see that he is a great explorer!
That is hilarious!
Robin has taken up permanent residence on my microwave cart. That means he can watch me and know when I am preparing food. He expects a treat every time I do anything food related.

He is an explorer and he is a very clever hamster. He has me well trained.Smiley4
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Robin is a real character. You're right, of course, we are just the "Keepers", we have no real insight into what goes on when we're not about!!
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
Quote:Robin is a real character. You're right, of course, we are just the "Keepers", we have no real insight into what goes on when we're not about!!

I just live here. I am clearly not the boss.Smiley4

I would love to set up a secret camera so I can watch what goes on in my absence. At least I think I want to know. Years ago when I had quail, I came home and found quail feathers on the rocking chair in the other room. The quail was in his enclosure as if nothing had happened.

Maybe they all party when I am out. I don't mind, but you would think they would invite me. Undecided
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

These pics are just too precious. Who needs TV when you have such awesome live entertainment!!
[Image: m0223.gif] Come join the fun! [Image: m0218.gif]
It's a laugh a minute sometimes. All of my pets are independent little creatures. They have their own plans and what I want just doesn't enter into it. Hamsters are quite capable of getting up on the bed in the middle of the night and making demands.
The guinea pig boys now know that they can get extra treats if they act up. I have had snakes trick me into an extra feeding by pretending they were not fed yet. Smiley4

My gecko will not eat while I am watching. So, when I look at the tank he does not move. If I look away, he sneaks a bit closer to the food dish. I look back and he freezes, look away and he creeps closer. At some point the food is gone and I didn't see him eat it. Some day I will see him eat.[Image: smiley-eatdrink044.gif]
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Robin has become quite the little piglet, demanding treats every time I enter the kitchen. All my animals are getting good at demanding treats. The guinea pigs have me figured out. I was on the computer when a guinea pig gave a loud cry. I went running. Nothing was wrong and no one admits to making the noise. They just all wanted more hay, thank-you very much, while you are standing there. I am outnumbered.Smiley4
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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