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Animal shelter inherits $275,000
Imagine the surprize of a BC animal shelter when they learned that a total stranger had left them $275,000 in his will.
The man divided his estate among 4 different charities. The money will be used for a number of programs. The lives of animals at the shelter will be better because of it.

What an amazing legacy! He obviously had no family so he used his money to benefit those who need it.
It is sad that he will never see the good that is done because of his gift. On the other hand he will be remembered for years to come by all those associated with the charities.

Animal shelters everywhere could use gifts like this. Once in a while it happens, but it is seldom such a large amount.
I am impressed by how much they will be able to do with the money.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

This amazing legacy is just wonderful for the shelter. All of the four charities will be very grateful for such generous donations.
I intend to leave a certain amount to my local animal rescue when I pass. But I very much doubt if I will be able to leave as generous a donation as this good man left unless I come into some serious money in the meantime. How thoughtful of him. Bless his Soul. Angel
They will be able to do many things with the money. He wasn't even involved with the shelter. He was just a generous man who has changed many lives by his gifts.

We all want to leave something to our local shelters if possible. It is the kind of gift that can keep a shelter going or provide for a big expense like a new roof or new programs. Whatever your gift is, it will be welcome and it will be put to good use.

It is one of the best ways to help.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

It would be like winning the lottery for that shelter! $275,000 can make a huge difference. It will mean they can do building work, or build an annexe/new kennels...etc.

Even if we don't have very much to offer we can all still help local shelters and Rescues. My local Rescue is always grateful for small offerings. A pile of old newspapers....a few old sheets....and some food. I always get a couple of things for the Rescue when I go to do my grocery shopping. It might only be a couple of cans of good dog food, or a packet of biscuits, or cat food pouches, etc. Then I collect them all up in two separate boxes. One is labelled "CATS" and one "DOGS". When I have the boxes more or less filled, I drive them up to the Rescue, only about 6 miles away. I also add any things which Sally is too fussy to eat! Or I'll give those things to the feral cats who appreciate them.
The shelters really count on our gifts. The regular monthly donors help, but those surprize extra gifts help with the surprize extra expenses.  It would be like winning the lottery for them.

The food and supplies you gather up would be very welcome too. Shelters live on donations and every bit helps.
I plant vegetables in the shelter roof top garden and that give the shelter animals fresh vegetables right through until November.

Some children have birthday parties with no gifts. Instead people bring things to be given to the animal shelter. Every bit counts.

Still $275,000 is a very nice gift. I would love to have seen their faces when they realized they were getting that much money.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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