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Man deliberately drowns baby raccoon
This is shocking. Someone caught a baby raccoon in a live trap and then put the trap in a metal garbage can full of water and put rocks on top of it to keep it submerged. This is a deliberate act of cruelty against a baby animal.
It is fortunate that a neighbour heard the little raccoon crying as it struggled against death.

Yes they have caught the guy and he will be charged.

How cold hearted would you have to be to intentionally do that to a baby animal of any kind. They think the little raccoon was trapped for hours desperately trying to breath.
This is worse than the guy who beat a baby raccoon to death with a shovel. At least he was in a fit of rage and acted irrationally. This was cold hearted and planned. After all he had to fill the garbage can with water and put rocks on the cage. That took time and planning.
I hope it goes to court and I really want to do jury duty on this one.

This is a more recent article.

After all he went through the little guy still might not make it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

It looks like the baby raccoon is going to make it. After his desperate struggle to live he deserves a good life.

I hope they charge the guy who did this the absolute maximum possible. They need to send a message to  the people who abuse raccoons.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

What a terrible thing to do to this poor creature. I am glad it was saved in time. It did not deserve to suffer like that.
I can't find any new articles so the baby raccoon must still be okay. If anything happened it would be all over the news.

I looked up the street name and the man's name and it happened a couple of miles from my place. It is almost my neighbourhood. People do strange things. How could anyone leave a baby animal to suffer like that. It would have been bad if he had killed the raccoon, but what he did was worse.

I like our raccoons even though I can't keep fish in my pond because of them. Raccoons like fish and they like ponds.
They are really cute animals and we have to learn to get along with them.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

So is that why some Canadians don't like raccoons - because they eat fish from ponds? Do the raccoons not have the same right to live as we humans have?

Correction: I just did a search and found this article, where it states that the man had trapped the raccoon because he had "been disturbed" by them:

Worse....It seems that many Canadians have the same view as the man charged; they actually support drowing alive! Don't believe me? See

There are some sick people about....
I read the link you posted and it was very disturbing. Some of those people should be watched.

People get upset because they are careless about garbage and raccoons get into it and make a mess. Some people are  obsessed with their gardens and they are upset that any wildlife(birds, squirrels, raccoons) might touch it. We have people who are obsessed with their grass and raccoons dig for grubs in their lawns. These are people who are not comfortable with a world where they cannot control nature.

There are a lot of people who are willing to hurt an animal like that. They clash with those of us who plant flowers for the bees and butterflies and berry bushes and trees to feed birds and squirrels.

They don't like ponds either. My former neighbours were like that. They hated my pond and the trees growing around it.  They hated the fact that the birds liked my garden better. The birds sat on the fence facing my garden and they pooped down his side of the fence. The called the police to complain. The police were not impressed. I think he thought he could get me charged with causing birds to poop on his side of the fence. Apparently the police felt that I did not actually control the birds so I could not be help responsible for their actions.

These people have no empathy for wildlife or nature in any form. They don't like trees, unless they are fruit trees and they will not share their fruit with the birds.

This man felt he was justified in hurting the raccoon because the raccoon displeased him. He may end up with fines or more, but he will never be sorry for what he did.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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