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Drone expose of factory farms
Mercy for Animals has created a video from drones to show just how much "chicken farms" are actually chicken factories. When you see the rows and rows of metal sheds and huge waste ponds you know these are factories.

I see two problems here. The animals are not being regulated and protected because they are hidden in factories. The factory farm is not being regulated as a factory because it is considered a farm. They get away with anything they want because the laws are not set up for farms that function as factories. The waste material from these places is not being properly and safely disposed of. The animals are kept in inhumane conditions all their lives. 
It makes the beautiful egg industry ads a lie doesn't it.  I thought there were laws to guarantee truth in advertising?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Good find, Catherine. But the real problem remains: that in the USA chickens are excluded from animal welfare laws.
Quote:But the real problem remains: that in the USA chickens are excluded from animal welfare laws.

People don't even think about chickens. They have an idea of happy hens laying eggs and they eat their eggs thinking the hen was happy to give this egg. I hope videos like this will get people thinking. There won't be a change until the people who eat eggs and chickens demand a change. 

I hate to even think about how many chickens live in those huge factories. The size of the manure pools should worry us. There have been some real problems because of agricultural runoff. Our water sources get contaminated and people get sick.
We should be asking why there is so much contaminated material coming from farms.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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