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Disturbing reports about New Zealand Greyhound racing
It seems that the Greyhound racing industry in New Zealand  is any better than the racing industry elsewhere.
Almost 1500 dogs have been euthanized in recent years. Since there are poor records the number may be higher.
The dogs that are dying are under four years old.

Like the greyhound industry elsewhere there are clearly abuses. Unwanted dogs are being killed. Who knows what else is going on.

Too many of the dogs are unaccounted for. That is not acceptable. The whole industry needs to be investigated and new standards set. Or else greyhound racing needs to stop. These beautiful, gentle dogs should not be dying in such large numbers after spending their brief lives as a source of human entertainment. We are exploiting them, then when they are not convenient, we are killing them. That is not acceptable. Angry
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Those poor Souls.

The one good thing is at least there IS a report, and at least there is a hue-and-cry about it! I agree with the Green Party.

I don't know anything about Greyhound rescue facilities in New Zealand, but it is obvous those ex-racing dogs need to be taken by Rescues, with adoption as the next step. How hard would that be for the people in the racing industry to organise?? Only a phone call!! And the dogs simply collected.
If there aren't enough dog Rescue facilities, then new ones have to be set up. Something should be set in motion. Greyhounds make the most wonderful companion dogs, and gentle usualy, and friendly, and don't need constant exercise as people sometimes think they do.

The report is chilling and horrible. Those poor dogs. Thrown in the trash basically.
I agree. This is tragic and more greyhound rescue charities are clearly needed. Of course, ideally greyhound racing should be banned, but realistically there is little chance of that happening in NZ (or in other countries which have such racing) in the current climate.
I don't think the dogs are even offered to rescues. They are simply disposed of. I wonder about greyhound puppies. Why are there only retired racing dogs. Why are there no puppies. I think they cull the litters and only let some of them live.  

There is something about the greyhound racing industry that seems to  generate abuse. I don't think it can be reformed. The people in the industry have made choices for years that have created a climate of abuse and killing. 

They haven't uncovered anything about live baiting, but I bet eventually they do.

There are rescue greyhounds all over my neighbourhood and they are the gentlest most gracious dogs ever. They look so elegant, especially now when they are all wearing coats. Every greyhound deserves a life like the ones I see everyday.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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