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Attempts to save Orca on west coast
There has been a dramatic story unfolding. A young killer whale has been spotted looking very unwell. After much searching he was found and given antibiotics. Now they have delivered food to him in hopes he will eat. The rest of his pod ate and that is a good thing. It is just not clear if he ate.

The southern BC pod of Orcas has had a rough time. There are so few now that they can't afford to lose even one. This is an extreme measure to actually feed the whales. Hopefully it will be enough to help the young whale survive.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I hope he did eat and hope the attempts to help will save him. The problem will be if he feels too unwell to eat. There is no other way I presume, to give him the antibiotics. But at least people are trying which is good.
I don't know how the Orca is doing. I am still looking for a newer article. This one however gives a good idea of what is being done to help the ailing whale.

I don't know if they have been successful, but they are learning about how to help the Orcas and I hope the Orcas are learning that we want to help.

I found a newer article by changing how I searched. Google works in mysterious ways.

It is too soon to feel confident in her survival, but it does look more hopeful. Since the southern resident Orca population is critically endangered this is really a life and death fight to keep the species going in the area. Saving a female could make all the difference to their survival. The only baby born in three years died and the mother broke all our hearts by carrying the dead baby for 17 days.

Saving this orca is worth everything it takes to make it happen.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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