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Steve Irwin's Birthday
Steve Irwin would have been 57 on Feb 22. 
I think some of us still can't believe he is gone. He is one of those larger than life figures that are still with us even though they are gone. He created a legacy that does live on. 

I found an article that lists 5 lessons that we could learn from Steve.

All of these lessons are good and he certainly lived them.

The world seemed sadder after he was killed, but he gave so much of himself that it spilled over into the future and it still with us now.

Happy Birthday Steve. The world still loves you and misses you.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

His family is keeping his legacy alive.
The man you inspired so many, including myself, to appreciate and care for all animals. He truly inspired me to do something with animals. When he died I was crushed. I had a dream of one day wanting to work with him. That dream was crushed but I found a way to honor him and I still found my way to work with animals.

Happy Birthday Steve Irwin!
Quote:His family is keeping his legacy alive.
It is wonderful that they are doing this.

And every one of us, like you Libby, who are still inspired by his work, are keeping his legacy alive.
It would have been nice to meet him. It is still good to carry on his work of caring for animals. Each of us in our own way can do this. 
So Happy Birthday Steve. I hope we are making you proud of us by our efforts to help animals.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I usually remember the 'Steve Irwin day' and share it as a memory in my Facebook but i don't know his birthday. i will keep it in my mind. When i first heard that he died, i thought it was fake news. He is one of my favorite wildlife presenter. Unfortunately i can't visit a western country, if i could then i would have visited his 'Australia zoo' which is run by his family.
I think we all still feel a bit of the shock that we felt when Steve Irwin died. I am glad we can now celebrate his birthday and celebrate his life. We have moved past the loss and can remember the good he did and look at the good that is still done in his name.  I will never get to his zoo either, but I am happy to know that it exists.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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