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USA uses Cyanide bombs to kill wildlife
The USA has used and continues to use cyanide bombs against coyotes and other wild life that farmers claim endanger their livestock.

This is a cruel way to kill animals and it kills more than the target animals. Poisoning is very dangerous. People's pets have been killed and a child injured. Once the poison is in the environment it can stay there for years killing other animals.
I think it is time to fight back against the deliberate poisoning of the environment.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

This could only happen in America. I am not aware of any other country in the world doing this. Appalling. Cruel. Barbaric.
Worryingly, the US president has reauthorised this method of killing wildlife, despite strong opposition

A 2017 petition authored by the Center for Biological Diversity and WildEarth Guardians was rejected by the EPA.

Worse news stacked on top of bad news, for opposition of a horrendous progam which will have far-reaching effects on all of wildlife and the environment, and in itself is a brutal and cruel way to control any species.

If I find any current petitions I will post them. Yes we have to keep fighting it.
Under the current US president the EPA is no longer an agency that protects the environment.

That was 2017. There has been much more damage done since then.

The damage to habitats will wipe out species and destroy the ecology and the lives of a whole area.

The Cyanide bombs are really just part of a larger pattern of destruction.

I have to say that living next door to the USA, sharing water and air with them, I am not happy about this. 
What they are doing right now is cruel and inhumane. It is also reckless and dangerous for all of us and the planet itself.
Some of the damage being done will effect us all and is probably irreversible. The cyanide bombs are the tip of a very big dangerous iceberg and Trump is driving his ship full speed towards it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

It gets worse. Angry

Weakening the endangered species act will put many species at risk. It will undo the many years of work we have done to save things like the monarch butterfly. Smiley19
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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