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Man rescues 100 dogs abandoned because of the pandemic
Since the pandemic began people have been leaving dogs at his place and he just takes them in. Over the years Mahmoud has rescued many dogs. Now he has over 100 and they keep arriving.

It is a hard situation. Some people probably can't afford their pets anymore. Pet food is more expensive and some people have been out of work. It is a bad situation and it is fortunate that there is someone who can take the dogs so they don't end up as strays.
I hope he finds help or at least some financial relief. I know he won't turn any dogs away.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

What a wonderful man! Blessings to his dear soul! Lebanon is a poor country, so in a way I can understand some people abandoning their dogs (although I wouldn't; I would go hungry myself if necessary).

But this sort of thing is going on even in a country like France. The great Brigitte Bardot - a big animal lover - has drawn attention to the abandoning of dogs in France:

The article is in French, but for anyone who doesn't know enough French, Google Translate can do the job for you.
I managed to read it in French and I only looked up two words. I couldn't have translated it to English, but I think my comprehension was pretty good. It  did help that I knew what the article would be about. I really should practice my French more.

I think there are a lot of places where people are abandoning their animals because of the pandemic. I can understand that some people have to give up their animals because they are so desperate financially. Some people are homeless themselves. Although many homeless people keep their pets with them. Still, they don't need to abandon them. There are shelters that will take pets. Even though they are swamped with animals they try not to turn any away.

It is a whole different problem when people are scared their pets will give them the virus. That isn't happening. The virus is being transmitted human to human. It is wrong to turn animals away out of  fear. People are fearing the wrong things. 
They would be safer if they stayed home and let their pets keep them company.

I just hope there are people to rescue animals everywhere that they need rescuing.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Blessings to Mahmoud, but it must be terribly hard for him. I hope people will help him, perhaps with food donations, blankets, anything. But at least those dogs are safe (and the other animals there.)

I am so glad Brigiite Bardot spoke out about the wrong ideas some people have  concerning their animals spreading coronavirus! That must be one of the reasons so many are being abandoned. They all need our help one way or another. The crisis of stray and abandoned animals was bad enough before this pandemic.

I do n't know how anyone could "dump" a dear family member -a loved one at any time, but especially during this crisis when we shoul hold tightly to our loved ones and keep them safe.
The people who are staying home and keeping company with their pets are the safest ones. Their pets keep them entertained and provide comfort. It is hard to be afraid when you have a comfy dog snuggling you.

It is a foolish and unkind reaction to get rid of a pet. I agree with you, I don't know how anyone could get rid of a pet. They clearly have no real bond with the pet. 

I am glad there are people like Mahmoud in the world who can take in abandoned dogs and other pets. There are many pet abandoners. Fortunately there are many pet rescuers and people like Brigitte Bardot who speak for animals. This is going to be a rough time for animals. They are going to need every friend they have.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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