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Man's best friend - a scientific basis?
I read some while ago that the DNA of dogs and humans are remarkably similar, but it appears that a few genes are actually identical. The latest discovery is that the gene which causes albinism is identical in dogs and humans:

Most scientists are more interested in using this to understand more about albinism, but it is the very fact that there are some genes which are identical which interests me.

I read a theory recently (but I can't find the source) that dogs and humans, having lived together for so many centuries (possibly several thousands of years), have shared bodily liquids such as blood and saliva (DNA) and therefore this has caused the close bond.
Hey! This is fascinating. I didn't know that before.

If you do come up with the source of that idea for possible shared DNA, way back in the history of dogs' companionship with humans....I would be very interested!

I always knew Misty was/is my sister! lol
Quote:I read a theory recently (but I can't find the source) that dogs and humans, having lived together for so many centuries (possibly several thousands of years), have shared bodily liquids such as blood and saliva (DNA) and therefore this has caused the close bond.

I hope we can find a source for this idea. I find it interesting that we have some identical genes. That makes dogs more than a best friend, that makes them cousins. I wonder what else we are related to.

Misty was clearly a spiritual sister. How wonderful if she turns out to have been a blood sister as well.Heart
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

It doesn't surprise me, after all we all come from the same Source. All spirit, just packaged differently.
Heart It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.Heart
You said that so beautifully, Knight. It's true.
Quote:It doesn't surprise me, after all we all come from the same Source. All spirit, just packaged differently.

Good point. We have far more in common than we have different with any species. Even plants share a lot of DNA with us. As you say, we are all from the same Source.

It would be interesting to know just how we are similar to dogs.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I managed to find the original article and the relevant links in it. The original article is here:

It is clearly written and gives a good overview of the research. I do not agree with all of the other articles on that site, however. The links within the article are to scholarly, scientific research and are these:

The second one is particularly technical, but it is possible to get the drift - even by a non-scientific person like myself!

The Noble Knight is right about the fact that we all come from Source, and indeed even fruit flies share a certain amount of DNA with humans! But the dog/human links are especially close.
Thank-you for finding the articles. This is really interesting and it does have some interesting implications. We clearly have given some of our DNA to dogs over the centuries of sharing life together. Do we in return have some dog DNA? We already know that we have Neanderthal DNA mixed in with ours. What else do we have?

Does this mean that any two species that are closely associated, start sharing DNA? That blurs the line between species a little. It all bears further study and further thought.Smiley43
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Thank you LPC! The articles are fascinating.

Re: the National Geographic strikes me that if the genome relationships are striking enough to show up even in the one-and-a-half times (shallow) sequencing method, as opposed to the high level (and probably more detailed?) sequencing, then they must be very pronounced.

So very interesting! I like that, I have to admit.

The only negative consideration....I just hope these findings don't lead to more abuse of dogs in laboratories....

One day maybe our compassion will meet up with our need to know.
(05-26-2014, 06:11 AM)Tobi Wrote: The only negative consideration....I just hope these findings don't lead to more abuse of dogs in laboratories....

One day maybe our compassion will meet up with our need to know.
I share your concern.....and your hope.

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