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Are matching dog PJs a good thing?
There is a new trend happening right now. The family gets matching Christmas PJs with a set made specially for the dog. It seems harmless and yet maybe not harmless. This is not like dog coats that are worn to keep the dog warm on winter walks. Those are a good and necessary thing. These PJs would be worn indoors to make the dog look cute like the rest of the family. They could cause some dogs to overheat. They could restrict the dogs normal movements. The dog could get hurt if the clothing gets caught on something. The dog might not like wearing them.

I don't even like it when people put silly reindeer antlers on their dogs.  It is undignified and probably embarrassing for the dog.
Matching PJs are something we want. I am not sure dogs like to be dressed up like some toy animal.
Maybe a matching ribbon for the collar would be enough. Dogs look king of silly in PJs. 
I think I agree with those who are against the matching dog PJ trend.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I agree. There is a world of difference between putting something on a dog briefly just for a photo (e.g. a Santa hat), and wearing something for hours or even all day. A dog could get overheated, as you say, or at the very least feel uncomfortable.

On the odd occasion when we take a Christmas photo of our companion animals, the item is only put on for the photo and then removed.
Basically, I don't like the idea. Most peoples' houses are centrally-heated! It is very rare indeed that any dog will need to wear "clothing" inside a house nowadays (though back in the bad old pre-stove days, Misty had to wear her coat  when she came inside the big living room, which was freezing.)
Picture attached circa 2005
Sad looking dog that day.
[Image: 4th-Dec-2009.jpg]

But modern dogs don't need to wear clothes inside. And most dogs have a good fur coat, plus their normal temperatures are 101 degrees!

This matching pyjama craze is not a good idea, unless it's for a quick Christmas morning photo or something, or by chance people live in a house which is freezing cold!
I bet Misty really appreciated that coat when it was cold. She looked good in that colour. I am sure Misty was able to make anything she wore look good.

 Some dogs do need a coat when it is cold. The dogs in the pictures had thick fluffy coats and they would be too warm. If people paid a lot for matching dog PJs they would want to see their dog in them at least on Christmas day.  Why couldn't they settle for a little bit of matching material in a dog suitable accessory. 
They are doing it for themselves and not for the dog.

(I am not sure all the children are too happy about the matching PJs either.)
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Hadn't seen that photo of Misty before. She looks a darker brown than in other photos.

Let's hope that the social media fad for matching pyjamas dies out as fast as it appeared, so dogs can go back to being...dogs.
Every time we humans have some new trend, our poor pets have to put up with some silly idea. Our dogs are very patient with us.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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