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Inhumane depopulation of factory farmed animals
The pandemic has put a particular pressure on factory farms. They produce massive numbers of animals with the intention of sending them to slaughterhouses while they are still young. They are not prepared to keep these animals for any length of time. Covid has shut down some slaughterhouses leaving farmers with nowhere to send their animals. They have made no plans to keep them or provide for them. Their solution is depopulation of their stock. In simpler terms they kill them. The methods they use for mass killing are brutal.  They practice VDS and VDS Plus.
VDS is ventilation shut down. You close off all air sources and ventilation for a building and all the animals inside will suffocate. Nasty!
VDS Plus is worse. The ventilation is shut down and steam is piped in so the animals half cook, half suffocate. Brutal

Both methods are inhumane. The American Veterinary Medical Association has not condemned this practice although they are reviewing it.

There is a petition to try and get the practice condemned. Please sign it. 
It should be obvious that this practice is wrong. There is no way either method could be considered humane. The animals would suffer hours of pain and fear and distress. It would be a horrible death.

I want to know what kind of person thinks this is an acceptable way to treat any animal.

This whole situation reveals a major flaw in factory farming. They are not prepared to keep animals any length of time. If something goes wrong with the system, the animals are the ones that suffer.  This is just one more argument against factory farming.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Signed. Absolutely appalling practices. I have not heard of this before. Perhaps it is only in the USA?
I think it is only the USA. I have never heard of anything like this anywhere else. I have never heard of anything like this ever. There have been cases of animals dying when ventilation is poor or fails. This is deliberately using lack of ventilation to kill animal. It would be the same if a pound put down its animals by leaving them in hot cars. One death like that is shocking. When thousands of animals are involved it seems to be harder to get a reaction. How could the American Veterinary Medical Association hesitate to condemn this. They have been allowing it so far. Why haven't they reacted?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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