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Cadbury Bunny Finalists
The list is out and the Cadbury Bunny finalists are a very diverse group. There is even a llama and a lovebird.

With ten finalists I don't know how anyone could  choose just one. They are all cute. The mini horse is very classy looking. The llama is special. The hedgehog is too cute and so is the lovebird. The three dogs wear their ears well and so does the cat. The bearded dragon and the sugar glider are doing their best and they do look good. How are they ever going to choose. I know people are supposed to vote on their favorite, but I love them all.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

It turns out that finalist Annie Rose is actually a therapy dog.

Annie Rose isn't cuter than the other contestants, but she is certainly well deserving of the honor. Of course the others might be just as deserving, but I think Annie Rose would do a good job. She doesn't mind dressing up.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

We have a winner. Ohio therapy dog, Annie Rose  has won the position of 2022 Cadbury Bunny.
As a winner Annie Rose takes home $5000 and stars in her own commercial.

Annie Rose  as a therapy dog is no stranger to meeting people. I am sure she will be an excellent Cadbury Bunny. She will also make people aware of the work done by therapy dogs. She even visited nursing homes during the pandemic. She had to stand outside, but she was there. Well done Annie Rose.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Good job, Annie Rose ! Smile
She deserves the honor. I hope it comes with lots of treats.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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