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North China city orders pets of covid positive patients be killed
A city in north China has ordered all indoor animals of anyone with covid be killed immediately. They designated professional  culling teams to carry the order out. 
Fortunately the order has been halted, for now. It is not clear how many animals have already been killed.

It is already understood that killing pets is not needed and not helpful. The risk of transmission from a pet to a human is low. 
It is simply a quick reaction without  lot of thought about whether it would help. It requires a certain attitude towards animals to immediately  jump to the idea that killing them would help anything. All it does is create stress for everyone and needless suffering for the animals.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

This is not the first such cull of companion animals in Communist China, by any means. We have discussed similar culls in the past. When will they learn?!
Culls never fix anything. As you say, when will they learn.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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