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Orangutans being killed in Borneo
Orangutan on the Island of Borneo are endangered. There are conservation efforts to save them. There are laws to protect them. They are still being killed, possibly in large numbers. Some of the problem is palm oil plantations. Some of it is farmers who think their crops are endangered. Mothers are killed for their babies who can be sold. All these things put the orangutans at risk. There are less than 100,000 orangutans left and they reproduce very slowly, one baby every 8 years.

It is not just human activity that is putting the Borneo Orangutans at risk. Humans are directly killing them.
What will it take for us to stop destroying things. In this case rejecting palm oil would help. Finding ways to help the poorer farmers would reduce their fear of orangutans. Definitely stopping all forms of illegal animal trade are needed.
They are such gentle beautiful creatures. The world would be a poorer place if we lost them.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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