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A budgie at the bird feeder
There is a pretty yellow budgie at the bird feeder. We have been seeing the little bird for weeks now. He is having a great time.
The Sparrows are quite willing to accept a new friend. However, it is now December in Canada and it is getting cold.
Everyone is trying to catch the Budgie. If we do catch it, I have room in my bird cage.

So far no luck. I have stood out there in the cold morning light whistling and calling. The biird totally ignored me.

Today at noon, there he was sitting on the fence. I opened my kitchen window and put my phone on the window ledge playing budgies singing together.
The little bird looked in my direction. He even stayed longer than usual. Dare I hope I am making progress.
I wonder if I put a budgie treat on the window ledge if it would help?

I don't know if a budgie can survive outside when it gets really cold.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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