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Extreme neglect on fur farm
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Big hisses to the fur farmer who keeps the animal is such squalid and horrific circumstances.
Even bigger hisses to the Quebec Ministry of Parks and Wildlife for refusing to do the right thing. They have seen the fur farm, but they will not act to save the animals from suffering.
Of course the conditions on all the local fur farms are probably not much better. It is another case of the industry standard being so low that this farm actually passes it.

So Great Big Hisses to an industry that is inherently cruel and yet finds ways to make their cruelty even more despicable.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

In this day and age it is so disappointing that fur farms even exist, but to keep the animals in these conditions defies credulity!!
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
Indeed. It is amazing that such large farms are not required to have permits and are not inspected unless there is a complaint. That is a serious loophole which needs closing.

But the real answer is for people to stop buying fur. As the first comment under the first article says, "This has to stop and it starts with us. Stop buying fur for God's sake. Just stop."
Quebec has some serious flaws in its animal protection laws. Sadly in Canada it is a provincial matter and the rest of us can't intervene.

You are right, we need to stop buying furs. If there is no market they will close out the fur farms. Much of Canada's history is linked with the fur trade, but we can move beyond our past. Fur is no longer being worn as a survival tool. It is a so called fashion statement.

If designers would stop using fur it would stop being fashionable. If people boycotted the designer or store that carries fur, the whole situation would change.

Shame on the government ministry that turns a blind eye to the abuses.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

(08-15-2014, 08:53 PM)Catherine Wrote: If designers would stop using fur it would stop being fashionable. If people boycotted the designer or store that carries fur, the whole situation would change.

You are right Catherine. If the consumer did not buy fur there would be no fur trade. Whether there is or isn't -a demand for fur items, is all down to us.
The same goes for cheaper items manufactured in the far east. We have to watch out for those very carefully. Including leather items. These cheaper fashions are often made from the skins/fur of animals we have here as companions....dogs and cats. Killed for their fur in the most horrendous ways.
Sometimes the fur is used for small trimmings, in which case it doesn't catch a buyer's attention as strongly as, say -a fur coat. But even these little trimmings have a bleak and terrifying story behind them.

It is wise to completely stay away from any fur. Many people wouldn't like to give up leather as well, but there is a sad story every time behind that also.
We no longer need to use animal products. There are good alternatives.
As you say, many of these products have a dark story behind them. Would you really want to wear something trimmed with fur from what had once been someone's pet. It is horrible how they kill them. I just don't understand the need to be so deliberately cruel.

We the consumers have the power to change this.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I always buy shoes made from artifical materials. That's not always easy, as almost all of it here in France is leather. But I would rather walk in old shoes and wait to find the right shop, rather than buy leather shoes. On the other hand, they are usually cheaper than leather! And no polishing needed (Hooray!)
LOL LPC! I am wearing boots right now made with artificial materials....and they are SO scruffy! (guilty-dog-look coming from Tobi) They could do with a good wash and polish!
Those boots are extremely comfortable. They won't last long, but you are right, shoes/boots made with artificial materials are much cheaper, so it's worth it.
There are lots of alternative products out there.
Even in colder than imaginable Canada does not need fur and animal products. My winter coat is made from a semi water proof cloth(I think it is polyester or nylon). It is quilted. There are layers of insulation and then a good lining. It is very warm. Or at least warm enough for my needs. There are artic grade coats that are even warmer. They are not fur either. The secret of warmth is layers. Good cottons and cotton knits are the secret.

A fur coat is a "fashion" statement and people should think about what they are stating. "Hi, I like to wear dead animals that lived horribly abusive lives and then were killed cruelly"
Do people think these things though?

We need more public awareness. Before you get to wear a fur coat you should have to work a week at a fur farm.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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