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India bans animal sacrifice
This is really good news. They are choosing to change centuries old traditions because they are cruel.

Modern times deserve modern forms of religious expression.

I think everybody wins in this case. Tradition can no longer stand as an excuse for cruel behavior. So what other "traditions" around the world can we hope to see banned.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I am very glad to hear that animal sacrifice has been stopped in India. Perhaps it has begun to dawn on people that "gods" do not wish animals to be tortured or their lives cast away recklessly by the will of humans.....

In my opinion "gods" should be the personifications of the highest state of grace humans can imagine or have experienced, and therefore should be examples for how to behave correctly with love, compassion and respect.

Maybe the world is starting to change....bit by bit.....
Truthfully, I did not know that they were doing animal sacrifices in India or anywhere else. I can't imagine any religion still practicing animal sacrifice. Surely we have outgrown this as a species.

I was hoping that a change like this might cause countries to rethink bull fighting and other "traditions" that harm animals.

Bit by bit we are changing, but it is slow. When I was a kid, everyone smoked, everywhere. Smoking is now forbidden almost everywhere. I feel almost shocked/ surprised when I see someone on the street smoking. In my life time I have seen a change in attitudes to smoking.

Once the attitudes towards animal cruelty start changing we may see as big a shift. I hope it comes in my life time.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Good for them - and about time too!

Next stop, halal ....
Heart It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.Heart
You are so right. There is no excuse for cruelty. Cruelty in the name of Religion seems to me to actually dishonour the Creator who made the animals being abused.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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