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Arson Attack At Manchester Dogs Home
England's Manchester Dogs Home has been extensively damaged in an arson attack.
At least 43 dogs died in the blaze.

A 15 year old boy has been arrested.
Heart It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.Heart
Oh how horrific. And that such a young boy should be involved. It is so tragic.

This is the link to Manchester Dogs' Home's "Just Giving" page, where any donations right now are much appreciated:

There are about 150 survivors, and many will need emergency veterinary care, etc.


I have just heard, via Twitter, that £1M has been raised in the last 24 hours to support the rescue operation, and Manchester Dogs Home! That is a lot of people who care very deeply.
I am stunned. How could anyone set fire to a shelter and such a young man. He must be very sick indeed.
It is terrible to think of how many lives were lost.
I hope they can rebuild and come back stronger. It won't bring back the dogs that were lost, but a new shelter building can be dedicated to their memory.

I hope people step up to take home the dogs that survived the fire. After that they deserve to live out their days in loving homes..
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

This was horrible. I only hope they have the right person. The local population have rallied around, bringing blankets and food for the dogs. I understand that the surviving dogs have been moved on to other rescues.
The emergency services were great, rescuing as many as they could. I saw an interview with one of the firemen on the tv news and he was asked if he and his colleagues had been afraid of being bitten by the frightened dogs. His reply was that was as nothing compared to the fear the dogs must have felt, and that all they wanted to do was get them to safety. I don't think anybody was bitten.
The fire fighters are the heroes again!!
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
Yes, the fire crews did a great job. They got there quickly and managed to contain the fire to one section of the complex. It could have been so much worse.
I hear the final death toll could be in the region of 60 dogs.

Several national newspapers have the story front page, lead story, with appeals to find homes for the surviving dogs.
Heart It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.Heart
Do they have any idea why? I just heard one on the radio that I won't even tell you, but there are some sick people out there.

On the good side, way more people are helping and the shelter will be repaired and the dogs will find loving homes. Because of all the awareness the story has created, many shelter dogs may find homes.
Let us hope that the outpouring of concern continues. It would bring good out of a bad situation and all the dogs will not have died in vain.

We can't stop evil from happening, but we can overwhelm it with good.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

News update Saturday 13 September.

Cheshire Dogs Home is taking in all the survivors. Public donations providing bedding, dog food, blankets etc. Meanwhile the JustGiving appeal has raised more than £1.2m.
A special service is to be held on Sunday 18:00 in memory of the 60 dogs who passed away in the fire.
Two local residents, Jason Dyer and Daniel Vere, ran into the burning building to rescue as many dogs as they could. may have caused a road-block on the M6...but look at the number of people who turned up at Cheshire Dogs Home to foster dogs and donate supplies!
That is wonderful. So many people wanting to help makes you realize that most people are good. This tragedy was the act of one person. Hundreds of people are trying to fix it.

England is a very generous and caring country. I can't believe how much money has been raised. They will be able to rebuild and more.

Why is the arsonist out on bail? Isn't he considered a danger to society?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

It looks like premier league footballer Mario Bolatelli (ex-Manchester City star) made a 5-figure donation to his beloved Manchester Dogs Home appeal fund. Someone did, and though he hasn't made a big thing of it -many who know of his love for dogs and his connection with MDH seem to think it was him!

When he played for City, he used to spend his free time as a volunteer dog-walker for the abandoned dogs there, and has a beautiful dog named Lucky.
Bless him.
Three cheers for Mario B and his love of dogs. Three cheers for all the other generous people including Simon Cowell.

The pictures of the fire site are sad, but it is good to know that they can rebuild.

Is there any word on the arsonist. Do they know why he did it?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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