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There is a bunny on my bed
Every Christmas for years now I have boarded a rabbit so a friend can go home to her family. He is a cute little dwarf rabbit and he is so comfortable with my place that I can let him free roam in the kitchen because he never leaves the kitchen.

This year he got the idea that he could just walk a little farther and make it to my bed. I have a futon that is six inches off the floor. He thought that was really interesting. So when I woke up this morning he was on the bed with me. It is going to be an interesting week.

He is actually sitting on the bed waiting for me right now.

He does not sleep on the bed at home so she is going to have fun when he goes home next week. Smiley4
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I finally have pictures. He is so cute.
[Image: Ca9jS4-gj7LJB9fmGvwf8v-MrZ13i3dTbIo8kb5p...-h284-p-no]
He is looking at the bed.
[Image: 7CG1GrtE7ET_NgtKcBWV_pMxQTExQ9hvihr2f0zC...-h284-p-no]

Sure enough during the night he figured out how to get up and join me.
[Image: JQmkVwJj_dXlVI_Me-Rxe25qi7NRZLdLxQiZ4yQs...-h275-p-no]
He is a busy bunny when he stays with me.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

That is going to be one spoiled bunny, lol!!!
[Image: m0223.gif] Come join the fun! [Image: m0218.gif]
No wonder he acts like he has had a spa holiday every time he visits me. I am starting to look forward to my bunny wake up call. He wakes me up in time to give the guinea pigs their breakfast. So are they working in cahoots with each other? Smiley48
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Me thinks something is amiss!!!
[Image: m0223.gif] Come join the fun! [Image: m0218.gif]
I think I just live here. I have no idea what really goes on. Who knows what my pets are up to when I am not here. We already know that when I am asleep and they want something, they just come and wake me.
I hope they never learn to use the computer. They could order all kinds of things online. I must check my bills very carefully just in case they are up to something.Smiley4230RolleyesSmiley4492
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

What a lovely Bunny. He obviously feels very at home with you, at home enough to be conspiring with the piggies!!Smiley48
I'm sure he looks forward to his annual visits.71
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
I think we all look forward to his visit. We have fun. He was not just on the bed this morning. He was nudging my face to wake me. He likes the company. I am usually home more at Christmas time so we have lots of time together.
The guinea pigs watch him and think about what he does. Robbie and Murray started walking around after his last visit. I think they make each other feel safe.

We do have fun. It is a party.[Image: smiley-dance006.gif]
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

When I woke up this morning he was sitting on my chest looking into my face and tickling me with his whiskers. Who needs an alarm clock when you have a bunny. They don't make noise, but they sure make their presence known.Smiley4
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

A few years ago we used to have my Step mother's old chihuahua for his holidays. Peter was old and arthritic and could hardly walk, or so he would have had you think!!
When he stayed with us in the country he would walk for miles following a good smell. He would come with us to the stables and walk for the whole hour of Anna's lesson wearing Anna's Dad out in the process.
We were told that he couldn't jump up onto a knee because of his arthritis but he would quite happily hop up onto our bed (normal height off the ground) and sit on your chest licking the end of your nose if he thought you had slept in too long.
He ate normal food instead of the carefully prepared human food and would eat it from a dish instead of having to be hand fed. In other words he was a dog.
To be fair he had a very rough start and my Step Mum rescued him into a better life, but I'm sure he enjoyed being just a normal dog when he stayed with us, instead of a pampered pooch.
When he stayed with us he had none of his usual health issues (he had fits and other issues, none of which happened when he was with us) and although he lived quite a long life for a small dog, I'm quite convinced his "Holidays" with us gave him a few extra years.

His "Mum" never knew of his alter ego, he even barked when he was with us, which he never did at home. They were convinced he couldn't.
I think if he could have winked, he would have!!

A holiday with others often does a beastie good!!Smiley4
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.

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