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Subway says NO to cage eggs!
Great news! Subway has now followed McDonalds' example and decided to drop cage eggs...
I was just reading about McDonalds saying no to cage eggs. Once one company had the courage to change it showed the way for the rest of them. So thank-you Subway for making the right choice.

All the petitions and commercials and postings have had an effect. The animal rights people in Australia are fantastic. They made people aware and it turns out that people do care. I did some posts on McDonald's Facebook page. I hadn't ever gotten to Subway Facebook yet.

Dare we hope for an end to all factory farming everywhere. It is a dream that could be realized.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

YAY, what wonderful news!!
I was unaware of any of this. I don't 'do' McDonalds but happy to hear they are paving the way for others.
I don't even mind paying a little extra to have healthier food.
Let's hope this trend will continue!!!
[Image: m0223.gif] Come join the fun! [Image: m0218.gif]
McDonalds and Subway are both big companies. If they change other companies will take notice. Also they have interests in many countries. If they change in Australia it will be easier to get them to change elsewhere.

We may be looking at the beginning of the end of cage hens.
Chickens deserve this and I hope it comes soon.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I was just thinking about this some more. I may be wrong, but it seems simple enough to free range chickens [and other animlas as well]. There is so much land in this part of the country that there should be plenty of room to let them graze. I think part of the problem is the amount of waste we produce. I think if people were more conscious about how much we throw away the need would be far less. Thus less food production required.
One of my biggest pet peaves is seeing how much food people throw away. At home, in restaurants, etc. I always think to myself "they have never missed a meal" or they would have a greater appreciation of what was on their plate.
Usually when we eat out, we hit the buffet. I see plates with mounds of food on them pushed to the side and then the person goes back for more. Never fails to upset my enjoyment of the AnimalFamily meal. May be why we seldom eat out, lol!
Once we were at a local pizza joint and Bock [maybe 8 or 9 at the time] got a balloon from the waitress. She said she had never seen a child do such a good job of cleaning her plate, lol!!
[Image: m0223.gif] Come join the fun! [Image: m0218.gif]
Food wastage is a terrible problem. It depletes the environment to produce so much food. It overwhelms the environment to absorb the garbage from so much food.
The agricultural waste from factory farms is devastating the environment.

If you have ever had a tight food budget, that much food wastage is really upsetting. People throw out more food from one meal than I had for days of meals when I was a student.
People at buffets drive me crazy. They eat too much, but they also throw away mounds of food.

Take what you need and eat it all! I am with Bock, she deserved a balloon.

My pet peeve is people who leave a spoonful of food. Couldn't you just eat that? It is as if they want to waste something.

I do not know if we can free range all the chickens in the world, but there has to be something better than intense factory farming.
There must be a friendly way to keep chickens that is cruelty free and clean/healthy, and economical. It would be okay to streamline animal care and standardize it and generally make it more efficient. That does not have to be done with cruelty. The farm industry needs to change its focus. Chicken well being has to be part of the process of egg production.
This needs to be done for all other forms of agriculture.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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