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Pennsylvania has a LOT to answer for!
First story (from 2006-2007): Woman arrested because she helps Doogie -neglected and chained dog

Second story: A Pigeon shoot supporter attacks SHARK president (SHARK stands for Showing Animals Respect and Kindness) He gets off scot-free. Pigeon shooting in Pennsylvania is a cruel sport.

Third story : It is currently LEGAL to slaughter and eat dogs and cats in Pennsylvania! Read this:

Something is rotten in the state of Pennsylvania! So bad I can smell it from the UK. Governors/law keepers of Pennsylvania, hang your heads in shame.
I am shocked. I have never heard of pigeon shooting. It is a terrible and cruel thing(I won't call it a sport, there is nothing sporting about it) I am not surprized that the NRA supports it however. It sounds like their kind of madness.
I can't believe that they let dogs be killed for food. Why would anyone support that idea.

It is totally bizarre that the dog rescuer is charged and the animal abuser goes free. At least Doogie knew love and peace and kindness at the end of his life. She is a courageous woman for what she did and I am sure it will bring good into her life in the end.

Pennsylvania should be ashamed. The people running the state are failing to show even basic human decency. They are a dark pit of ignorance and shamefulness.

However there are shinning lights of goodness and I believe the good will win in the end. Dogs Deserve Better and SHARK are both courageous and right. These people are willing to fight for the right at any cost. The cruel people they are fighting against are cowards.

The SHARK people are amazing. I can't wait to see what else they do.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

America - land of the free?? It seems to mean freedom to carry guns (even concealed in some states) and freedom to kill animals at will - but no freedom to defend and protect them. Thank you for highlighting this case, Tobi. I hadn't seen it before. Things haven't improved since 2007 in PA, either. I found this article: - in which it noted that this brave lady is still being persecuted by the authorities: "...although she had the lowest level misdemeanor, theft of a piece of property valued at $50 or less, she was forced to get permission slips each time she left the state to do her Dogs Deserve Better work, and was even denied permission to travel during the last month because she hadn’t finished the community service". So she couldn't even travel within her own country, of which she is a citizen? What sort of freedom is that?

Further, in 2009 the attempt to go over the DA's head and get the owner of the poor dog prosecuted was rejected. So the owner gets away scot free, the DA can refuse to investigate the cruelty to the dog, and this brave lady suffers. But that is only legal justice, not moral justice. I have no doubts whose heart is the purer, the dog's owner or this lady. Blessings to her!

Moving on to 2013, PA still has a terrible record. "Puppy mill Law Enforcement Office doing poor job" says
It is not just Pennsylvania, there are issues all over the country. The gun lobby(and therefore the hunters) are very powerful and elected officials are afraid of them. Also Sheriffs and prosecutors are elected. So if one goes against the powerful lobbyists, he can count on not being elected again.

People rescuing dogs and other animals tend to be good hearted and caring people. They just wouldn't be involved in an unethical lobby group.

The puppy mill thing must have some twist to it as well. They have a law and a person to enforce the law and still nothing is done. Does someone making money from the suffering of animals in puppy mills, also make a political contribution somewhere.

Something is very wrong in Pennsylvania.
Oddly the state motto is Virtue, Liberty and Independence.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I came across a reaction to the Pennsylvania situation.
Keep in mind Colbert is being very sarcastic and insulting to the NRA even though he sounds a bit flippant.

It still staggers the mind that this is happening in a modern civilized country.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Hmmm....regarding the story about the lady who rescued a chained dog (see above), it seems that there are two sides to this woman. Grimes (Thayne) was herself charged with cruelty: She also would appear to have a long list of dissatisfied employees:

Despite all that, she did try to save the dog mentioned in the original article.
Alas, this is a case of 'let he who is without blood on their hands cast the first castigation'.
The Americans, the British, the French, the Australians, etc. etc. etc. etc. All guilty.

Watched a video yesterday about EU livestock that get transported to the Middle East (live export). The same outcome as the poor souls from the Australian live exports.
The worst cruelty I've ever seen.

And ours are "civilized", "Christian" countries ....
Heart It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.Heart
We are civilized on the surface, but if you behind and under things, there is a great deal of rottenness. It is the same story, just the name and location are changed. If we can get the cruelly banned in one area it will help all areas in the end. Pennsylvania is a good place to start since so much needs to be fixed there.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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