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All Donkeys Go To Heaven...says Pope Francis
There are a lot of people who don't want to see anyone else in Heaven. They want to think that they have the truth and anyone who doesn't see it exactly that way shouldn't be there in heaven. The idea of openness and forgiveness and accepting everyone is upsetting to them. They are not happy if we all get as much as we need. They want to get as much as they need by taking something away from you. So a heaven where all are there and happy, we see it as a wonderful thing, they see it as a disaster.

I would say our position is based on love, love of God, love of life, love of all living things. The other position is based more on fear. They are afraid of offending God so they have a rigid view that they think protects them from God. They do not love and trust God. They fear death. It is very much a frightened child's view of life. Anything different must be wrong. They can't see that there is room for a wide range of possibilities in life. We all could have chosen very different lives and still have been good people.
What does matter is living your life kindly and compassionately and being a good person. I doubt that the small details really matter. Wars(religious and otherwise) have been fought over small details. That makes us one of the silliest creatures on the planet.

Maybe Heaven is really for the best of earth's creatures(dogs would win that contest) and they are welcoming us in as one of the most mixed up creatures. Just a thought.Smiley4
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

The latest news claims that Pope Francis didn't actually say it. They are attributing the remark to Paul IV.
"Pope Paul VI, who died in 1978, once said, reportedly while comforting a child whose dog had died, "one day we will see our animals in the eternity of Christ."

Pail IV was very conservative in his thinking. If he said it, the right wing people should accept it. They won't of course. They will find a way to twist what was said. We still don't know if Pope Francis made some kind of remark or even was quote Pope Paul IV.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

It's all very strange. There seems to be photographic evidence of Pope Francis comforting a small boy. The photo is in this article:

The photo could have been taken out of context, of course. But given the news about him comforting a small boy (who does look sad and upset in the photo), it suggests that the current Pope did say such words.

I suspect that the attribution to a former deceased pope (who can't be asked now!) is to take the heat out of the issue. But who can say?

Speaking only for myself, I don't need another person to tell me what to believe (or not believe). But for those who need such things, it is still encouraging that one Pope at some point said such words.
...Oh! What a fuss these humans make about something so lovely! Humans are WAY too grumpy for my liking much of the time! If you gave them a sunny day they would spoil it by arguing about it!

One thing I am pretty sure of is that Jesus Christ knows exactly what's going on......
But of course no-one can interfere. We have to find our own way through the tangled jungle we make with our thinking and concepts.
I think Pope Francis did say it, but there are those who did not want him to say it so they will try to twist it around.
What is so hard about the idea of dogs going to heaven. I think the first article was actually talking about donkeys. The Pope got to donkeys and they will live on his farm outside of Rome. He is supposed to have remarked about them going to heaven. I am sure he has said a great many things about animals and Heaven.

I can think of a lot of dogs I would rather meet in Heaven than some people I know.

The Pope will probably make other remarks like this so the issue is not going to go away.
Wouldn't Heaven be the place where all of creation can come together in peace. Wouldn't a deeply spiritual person want all of creation to be there. Those who reject the idea have not grown that much.

It should all be very simple. I think people who take life simply are happy people. We accept things and are happy for other people's happiness. Dogs are like that and many people would be happier if they spent more time with dogs. If they won't do it on earth then they will get their chance in Heaven.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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