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Seizure Kitty, in need of Donations

My name is Rebecca and i have been volunteering with a rescue for about 8 years. I would love to share a story about a kitty named Mr. Saturn. But first, I want everyone to know that i am with a ligament rescue. Here is our link so you can check us out!

I would love to say that we have endless donations that help us pay for every pet we rescue. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Most of our rescues are saved from the red list/ death row. Saturn is in desperate need of a MRI to conclude why he is having uncontrollable seizures. Please read his story below and so to the link provided. If you can also share with your friends and get the word out, that would be amazing. (link to Saturn's fundraiser)

Here is Saturn's story:
Hi my name is Mr. Saturn! When I was only 2 weeks old, I was brought to a shelter, with my 5 siblings and my mom. Upon arrival, we all had runny eyes and were sneezing uncontrollably. Later, a vet diagnosed us with having a URI (Upper Respiratory Infection) and placed us in a cold medal cage. Because we all were sick, the shelter scheduled us to be put to sleep. We all waited day after day for our family to claim us, but they never came. On our last day, we were still huddled around our mom for warmth, in that cold metal cage. With 15 minutes to spare, we were being taken from that cage and being placed in a warm, soft blanketed carrier. It was not our family coming to save us, but instead, a rescue volunteer.
When we all arrived at our new foster home, we were given a warm bed and all the love that we could imagine. Right way, our foster mom started us antibiotics to help fight the URI we still had. While recovering, 2 of my siblings and I started having uncontrollable seizures. One of my siblings died immediately and the other died shortly after.
Our foster mom rushed me to the vet. After examining me, he decided to put whole family and me on strong antibiotics, in hopes that the root of my seizures was caused by a bacterial infection. While on the new antibiotics, I was feeling great and most importantly, seizure free. Since I was seizure free for 6 weeks and responding great to the antibiotics, my foster mom decided it was safe to put me up for adoption.
It wasn’t long until my foster mom told me that was being adopted and that I would have a new home to call my own. The big day came and I was excited to meet my forever dad and he was even more excited to meet me. When I got to my new home, I was taken aback by all the new smells and adventures that I will be able to soon experience. But something was not right. I started having uncontrollable seizures again.
My Dad rushed me to the vet were they poked me with needles and took my blood. When the blood work came back, they were inconclusive (normal) and vet could not tell dad or me why I was having seizures.
Even though my new dad loved me so much, he did no have time to care for kitty that had unexplainable seizures, such as myself. With much hesitation, he decided to return me to the rescue. I was no longer going to have the chance to take in all the new smells and adventures, in which my new home had to offer.
Since then, I have been to a couple of vets and they all cannot come up with an explanation to what is causing my seizures. I have also been diagnosed with something called Epilepsy even though all tests come back normal. My foster mom put me on a holistic medication that seemed to work at first, but slowly stopped working over time. I then was given this nasty tasting, anti-seizure medicine that again, helped at first, but stopped working and even made my seizures worse. All my foster mom can do is sit there and hope that one day my seizures will stop. I hope for that as well.
As of right now, I am having up to 6 a day and with no causes for them to start. One vet suggested that I have a MRI done. This test will most likely conclude what is causing my seizures.
The only problem is, this test will cost my rescue $2,000.00 in donations they don’t have. To date, my rescue has spent over $4,000.00 in labs, medications and x-rays, in order to find a cure and solution to my constant seizures.
When I am not having seizures, I am a very sweet and loving boy. I still act like a cat and I still desperately long for a home and a family to call my own again. My foster mom does not want to give up on me and supports my dream to one day have the forever home I hope for. The only way I will ever be able to accomplish this dream is if my seizures are controlled. Please help me and my rescues raise the funds to help me get this test that I desperately need. All donations towards my cause are tax deductible and will get me one step closer to the warmth of being held in the arms of a loving, forever family.

Thank you for your time and please email me if you have ant questions Smile[/font]
A very warm welcome to our forum, Rebecca.
Thank you for what you and your colleagues are doing to help animals in the LA south area.

As a bona-fide animal rescue and charity, you are entitled to post on Animal Lovers Web Forum, and link to fundraising events.

We all here wish Foreverhome Pet Rescue all the very best of luck, both in raising funds for dear Mr Saturn's treatment, and for the Rescue itself.
I add my best wishes to you and your rescue. You have provided plenty of evidence about your rescue, to show that is indeed bona fide.

I wish you success in raising funds for this issue, but also for all the work you do.
I do hope you have success in your fundraising campaign and I hope you find the cause of Mr. Saturn's seizures. He is a beautiful little cat and deserves a happy life.
If they can't stop the seizures maybe you can find a home that can cope with the problem.

It is sad that the other kittens died. If only they had been treated right away by their original owner.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Thank you everyone for your support. Saturn is still in need of donations but we are hoping that we can get it discounted (fingers crossed for free) since we are a non- profit rescue.

It is unfortunate that an owner can just throw a mom and babies, who are sick and defenseless into a shelter environment and not even look back. The even more sad part is, that is happens so much that the shelter are forced to euthanize right away. We recently have been rescuing senior cats, some just about at the end of their lives. All of them being owner surrenders. Knowing that these kitties lived in a home all of there lives and then placed in a shelter to die, either naturally or by the prick of a needle. We can not save them all but sadly it breaks our heart to have to say No to all the calls we constantly get flowing in every day and even sometimes every hour.

thank you again for all of your support. Fingers crossed for Mr.Saturn
It is very sad but many people 'dispose' of their animal friend when something happens in life -they are getting divorced...having a baby...moving to a non-animal-friendly apartment...changing jobs....etc etc.

None of those situations would make someone who truly loved their animal companion give them up to anyone. Except possibly in extreme circumstances -to another family member. An animal companion is certainly 'for life' as far as many are concerned.

And yet, daily, animals are surrendered to shelters.
It seems people have no idea what happens to an animal in most shelters. Some people look at the situation through rose-tinted glasses. "They will find him/her a home!" -they think.
It doesn't always work that way. There are hundreds of 'Death Row' dogs and cats every day.

Thank you for what you are doing to help them in your area.
It is sad how people treat pets as disposable. All the shelters and rescues working together cannot keep up with the numbers. It is hard for a shelter to commit to being "no kill". Most of them want to be that way, but there are so many animals.

You are right, the older ones have the worst time. No one wants to take on an old pet. They all want a puppy or kitten. Of course if their pet has puppies or kittens then they don't want them. People do not even try to find homes.
The work you do for animals is admirable. I do hope you can get help for Saturn. Keep us posted.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

The animal shelter in my area is completely "no kill" and animals are only ever put to sleep if they have terminal illness. But they do get full up, although adoptions are regular.

But that's not quite the case even in many 'no kill shelters'. There are criteria for an animal to meet if it is to be considered 'adoptable'. Those very sad cases who are deemed aggressive or aren't very pretty....well they don't find new homes so easily. And may be put down because they are considered to be hopeless cases.

Misty would have been food-aggressive. I know that for a fact. Although she trusted me and I never had any problem, she wouldn't have trusted anyone else messing with her food while she was eating. She would have growled and snapped. She was also dangerous with other small animals and cats, and although she tolerated children, and wasn't overtly aggressive towards them, she was very good at 'putting them in their place' much like she would have done with pups.
All those things would probably have made her 'unadoptable' if she had been in a shelter.
And she was the most beautiful, kind and loving dog.

It makes us think.
Quote:Misty would have been food-aggressive. I know that for a fact. Although she trusted me and I never had any problem, she wouldn't have trusted anyone else messing with her food while she was eating. She would have growled and snapped. She was also dangerous with other small animals and cats, and although she tolerated children, and wasn't overtly aggressive towards them, she was very good at 'putting them in their place' much like she would have done with pups.
All those things would probably have made her 'unadoptable' if she had been in a shelter.
And she was the most beautiful, kind and loving dog.
The best pet you ever had was one that would have been unadoptable. It does make you think. People miss out on the best because they want a pet that fits some standard of perfection. Old pets are treasures with wonderful personalities and yet most people see old and do not see the pet for what it is.
Look at all the deformed and damaged reptiles I have taken in. Jake Krinkle Snake is definitely unadoptable. He is curled up on my lap right now and he is the sweetest little guy.
Pigbert the guinea pig was the best and yet he never really was able to walk. He crawled sort of, but he was the happiest little fellow. He always looked like he was smiling.

So should I rehome a 15 year old corn snake? If she really is female then I would have room for her. She is old looking and very sweet. If no one else takes her by Sat. I will probably bring her home.

Adopting and rehoming is like opening a surprize package. Whatever is in the package is already there. You get to discover it for yourself.
Look what a treasure Earl was for me.Heart
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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